Tips for completing Area 51 - Basic Tasks # 016

Stage 14: "Secret Funeral"

Exit the elevator and turn towards it, you should see something like this warehouse, jump over a concrete block and find a dead body in the dark, next to which there will be a document. Exit the same way you entered and follow the tunnel, after a few steps you should stop.

Go straight ahead (face a new enemy, "ball" grenades will quickly kill the enemy), and you will get to the starting stage, where the mutant was killed. When it turns off, continue to the big cave where you will find yourself, destroy all the enemies and destroy two guns.

Next to the corridor from which you entered the larger space, you will find a place where pipes stick out from under the floor grilles. Lie down on them and walk to the very end. The document to be entered into the database was hidden there.

Now you have an arcade moment. Step onto the platform with the red frame and jump over the boxes as indicated by the arrow on the map. Jump up the chimney when the fire from it does not burst into the pipe, and walk along it to the very end. Go down to the ledge (next to the second chimney) and jump onto the platform that cuts through all the caves.

Go to the other end of the page and fill in the information on the computer about the blue object. Later, jump to the ground, but to get to the other side of the net and you can press the gate opening button. Exit the overturned grid and keep moving (a large number of mutants will attack you).

After passing by the newly opened gate, cross the bridge and get rid of the monster. Jump over the boxes on the left. The secret folder is hidden behind them. Follow the tunnel and there will be another large space behind it, where, in particular, keep an eye on the snipers located inside, high on the walls.

After destroying everyone, you will get a new goal marked by the game to get to the specified place, go to the edge, and you should see a pedestrian bridge near the lava. You need to jump on it or climb the stairs. In the place where the railing breaks, go down the pipes and go to the end.

Once inside, click on the panel marked by the game and scan the CD lying next to it (quickly press the button, because the one standing next to it is in the range of fire). Now you need to clear the area, run through it, right before the pedestrian bridge stretches to the wall, the weapons will not reach there, and the soldiers located in it will come out and attack in the usual way. After killing everyone, including the two on the upper deck (there is a folder for scanning on one lamp upstairs), go down and use the door. After them, the level ends. で最高のオンラインカジノゲームのエキサイティングな世界をお楽しみください。今すぐサインアップして、お好きなゲームを選び、今日から勝ち始めましょう!ユニークなボーナスとプロモーションで、よりエキサイティングなゲーム体験をお楽しみください!当カジノでは、一流プロバイダーによる最高のオンラインカジノゲームを幅広く取り揃えております。クラシックなスロットやルーレットから、エキサイティングなビデオポーカーやライブディーラーゲームまで。当カジノチームは、常にゲームコレクションを更新、追加しておりますので、最高の最新ゲームをお楽しみいただけます。
