Change the oil type. Is it worth doing this?

Is it worth sticking to one type of oil throughout the life of the car? Or is it worth changing something after 100, 200 or 300 thousand km?

We will not talk about oil brands. Everyone has a favorite brand, a manufacturer they trust. However, regardless of the brand, each oil has its own parameters described by the viscosity class, API standards, ACEA or car manufacturers. The question arises: should the lubricant recommended by the manufacturer be used in a car whose engine has noticeable signs of wear due to age and mileage?

If someone asks if it is better to use mineral oil instead of synthetic oil in older cars, the answer is simple: synthetic oil is better used in every car, regardless of age and mileage, because it usually has much higher parameters, is more resistant to wear and operation. its parameters are more stable, i.e. they change to a lesser extent, for example, under the influence of high temperature, than the properties of mineral oil. It is nonsense to claim that an old engine needs lower quality oil than a new one. Quite the opposite!

With regard to the described properties of the oil, for example, the viscosity class, in many cases manufacturers allow the use of various oils, for example, depending on the climate in which the car is operated or on the environmental protection requirements in force in the country. this region of the world. For example, we can choose between an oil with a viscosity of 5W-30 and 5W-40, sometimes even 10W-40. The oil of each of the listed viscosities can be a very high quality product or a synthetic product with different characteristics. 5W-30 oil differs from 5W-40 oil in that at high temperatures it creates a thinner oil film on the mating lubricated parts. Such oil is very often poured at the factory so that the car burns as little fuel as possible and has the best performance characteristics. A thin oil film means low rolling resistance, so more power and less carbon dioxide emissions. However, although 5W-40 oil can cause (compared to 5W-30) a slight increase in combustion and exhaust emissions, it has better protective properties. This is a serious advantage. Compared to it, 10W-40 oil will differ in behavior at low temperatures, and it will be more difficult to start the engine in severe frost. But, for example, in countries with hot climates, it does not matter.

In many cases, it makes sense to change the type of oil (usually to an oil with a higher viscosity). A worn-out engine has more play between components, and using a different type of oil, which forms a thicker oil film, can reduce oil consumption and slow down engine wear. Of course, not every engine can be lubricated with such oil (for example, due to component requirements), but if there are no such contraindications, an experienced mechanic often recommends such a replacement to some customers. Suffice it to say that the engines of some older cars can be lubricated with 10W-60 oil instead of the 15W-40 oil supplied by the factory with great effect - changing the type of oil in them can significantly delay engine overhaul.

However, you should not deliberately use oils with lower quality parameters just because they are cheaper, or use gasoline engine oil in diesel engines. Such a change in oil type can cause carbon deposits, clogging of oil channels, etc. オンラインカジノでお金を稼ぐための信頼できるアフィリエイト プログラムをお探しですか? オンラインカジノ アフィリエイト では、最新のレビューと最高のオファーを選択するためのヒントを見つけることができます。当社は、主要なギャンブルプラットフォームの条件、手数料率、ボーナススキームを分析し、最も収益性の高い協力プログラムを選択できるように支援します。アフィリエイト プログラムで効果的にお金を稼ぎ、専門家の推奨に従って収入を増やす方法を見つけてください。
