News: Twitter adds fact-checking warnings to Trump's tweets for the first time

For the first time, some of President Donald Trump's tweets were marked on Twitter with a fact-checking warning.

On Tuesday, Twitter added a warning phrase to two Trump tweets that called mail-in ballots "fraudulent" and predicted that "mailboxes would be robbed," among other things. Under the tweets, there is now a link to "Get facts about mail-in ballots," which leads users to a Twitter "moments" page with fact checks and news about Trump's unfounded claims.

So far, the president has simply been dogged by Twitter's half-hearted attempts to enforce rules designed to promote politeness and "healthy" communication with the most famous user. Trump often amplifies misinformation, spreads abuse, and uses his pulpit to personally attack individuals and public figures - all of which are prohibited by official Twitter rules.

In a statement on Twitter, it said that Trump's tweets with mail-in voting "contain potentially misleading information about voting processes and have been flagged to provide additional context around the ballots."

Trump has never faced Twitter sanctions on his account before. The husband of a woman who accidentally died two decades ago in the office of then-Republican member Joe Scarborough recently demanded that Twitter delete the president's unsubstantiated tweets, suggesting that Scarborough, now a fierce Trump critic, killed her. Twitter has released a statement expressing regret to her husband, but has not yet taken any action regarding these tweets.

Over the weekend, the president released several tweets questioning the legality of the ballots. The storm of tweets followed Trump's Facebook and Twitter posts last week, which erroneously claimed that the Michigan Secretary of State had mailed 7.7 million registered voters. Trump later deleted the tweet and posted an edited version that still threatened to withhold federal funds.

Twitter's policy prohibits sharing "false or misleading information designed to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in elections or other civil processes." Although he has previously flagged tweets conveying misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic, he has never before put warnings on tweets for any other reason.

Trump responded on Twitter, accusing the platform of "interfering in the 2020 presidential election" and insisting that "as president, I will not let this happen." His 2020 campaign manager, Brad Parscale, said a "clear political bias" on Twitter led to the campaign "taking all our advertising off Twitter a few months ago." Twitter has banned all political advertising since November last year.

Trump's tweeters in Scarborough offer another example of how the president uses Twitter to spread misinformation-in this case, about an accident that Trump insistently links to one of the hosts of the MSNBC show "Morning Joe."

"My request is simple: please delete these tweets," wrote Timothy J. Clausutis to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey last week.

The body of Lori Kay Klausutis, 28, was found in Scarborough, Fort Walton Beach, Florida, at the congressional office on July 20, 2001. Trump repeatedly tried to implicate Scarborough in the death, although Scarborough was in Washington at the time, not in Florida. ,

There is no mystery about the death of Lori Klausutis. Medical staff ruled that the assistant, who had a heart condition and had told friends a few hours ago that she was not feeling well, lost consciousness and hit her head. Foul play was not suspected.

Klausutis wrote in his letter that he was struggling to get on with his life due to the ongoing "bile and misinformation", spread about his wife on the platform, most recently by Trump. His wife continues to be the subject of conspiracy theories 20 years after her death.

Klausutis called his wife's death "the most painful thing I've ever had to deal with," and said he feels a marital obligation to protect her memory amid "the constant deception of lies, half-truths, innuendos and conspiracies since" she died."

He said Trump's tweets violated Twitter's terms and conditions of service. "An ordinary user like me would be expelled," he wrote.

At Tuesday's briefing at the White House, spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany repeatedly refused to say why Trump was making unfounded accusations or whether he would stop tweeting about them. Instead, she focused on Scarborough's remarks about the case, which she said was inappropriate and frivolous.

Dorsey did not respond directly to Klausutis' letter and did not take any action regarding the president's tweets. In a statement, Twitter said it "deeply regrets the pain these statements and the attention they attract are causing the family."

Scarborough called on the president to stop his baseless attacks. 토토사이트 는 모든 신규 플레이어에게 넉넉한 환영 보너스 패키지를 제공할 뿐만 아니라 기존 플레이어를 위한 지속적인 프로모션도 제공합니다. 이러한 보너스에는 무료 스핀, 캐시백 제안 및 재충전 보너스가 포함될 수 있습니다. 카지노에는 플레이어가 포인트를 획득하고 이를 다양한 보상으로 교환할 수 있는 로열티 프로그램도 있습니다.
